I think people/parents should not be able to pick their own babies' traits.
First of all, it is because it is harder to discover whose parents or family the child was from if she/he was lost or is an orphan. It will also be a tragic because of the changes they made that didn't have to be adjustified.
The second reason is because there won't be any natural traits left if one's mother or father always wants a different trait to be replaced.
The next reason is that if parents picked the same trait over and over, won't everyone start looking the same? For example, if parents kept picking the trait to have a widow's peak, then everyone will have a widow's peak. However, if everyone picked every trait the same: the ears, eyes, nose etc, people won't look that different and unique anymore.
Everyone should be unique in their own way and if the kids find out they are, it might be a pretty fascinating information to them. For instance, if I tiny ears (no ear loops) and my friend had the same, my reaction will be like OMG! we both have cool tiny ears!
Another reason is because it won't be fair if the parents always choose the child's decision. It is not the traits that matter, but who the person they really are inside. Parents shouldn't always be making the decision for the children, but let it stay the way it is. Let stuff go the way it is suppose to, go with the flow.
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