Blog #9: How far should the governement go in isolating people with infectios diseases? Should the army be involved?

In my opinion, I think the government would go pretty far in isolating people with diseases that are really deadly like the disease in the movie, "Outbreak." First, it is because the government needs to care about the world's safety and my reasons are mainly based on the movie "Outbreak" we watched in Ms.Malonek's class. Just like the movie-"Outbreak,” if one person was infected with the disease that causes them to die very fast, then other people would get the deadly disease fast too. For example, it will be like a flu, spreading to one person then another as soon as you breathe the air. A deadly, infectious disease can spread really fast so people dying in the same neighborhood could be 60% out of 100%. Barely anyone can make it alive in a dangerous disease, like in "Outbreak", but they will really have to fight; however, your body might not be able to take the disease spreading around your body so you end up dying. In the movie, "Outbreak," the people who died from the sickness could fit the whole truck from one of those army trucks and the army had to burn their bodies from preventing the disease to spread to other people.
The army should be involved when there is a harmful disease. If a person catches the disease, yet only the government knows, it will be the citizens getting hurt; therefore, if the army doesn't do anything, then the disease will spread as fast a rumor does in high school. The results might turn out to be that barely anyone will live in this world and the world might end in the year 2012!! For instance, fifty people can get infected/die within one hour.
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