Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blog 14 Which specimen that we have dissected so far seems most like humans? Why?

Blog 14 Which specimen that we have dissected so far seems most like humans? Why?

The specimen that we dissected so far that seems most like humans are fish out of the other specimen which were grasshopper, squid, worm and clam so far. 

One reason that humans do relate to a fish is because of all the organs they have compared to us. A fish is a similar kind of model to humans. For example, fish has kidneys, a heart, a stomach, etc whereas a worm doesn't even have a kidney and some other parts the human body has.
Both has two eyes, also ears but for fish the ears are inside their head so they don't hear that well unlike humans who hear to listen to music, hear to listen to the teacher's lectures in class, or even hear the beauty of each person's voice. The different thing about fish and humans is that they don't have similar habitats, but distinctive habitats because fish live underwater while humans live on dry land.

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