Blog#12 What surprised you from the worm's dissection?
What surprised me in the worm dissection was not only one thing but plenty of things.
At the first place, I didn't there were some worms that were as long as the ones we dissected in class that were at the same time really skinny. It was longer than my whole hand, but also skinner than one of my fingers.
The second thing I was surprised was that it was so simple to dissect a worm; we just needed to use a simple blade, and there the skin opened and we saw the organs inside the worm while putting pins to keep the worm in place.
Another thing was that inside the worm, there was huge amounts of dirt. From top to bottom was full of dirt and it seemed like nothing else. Well, it was from the clitellum to like the annus part of the worm. Sometimes I wonder if all worms eat are DIRT, DIRT, DIRT, and nothing else to fill up their stomach.
I was also surprised that worms have FIVE HEARTS! Because they have five hearts, I wonder if they have five lives like a cat supposedly have nine lives. Well, it must be false that the worm has five lives because the worm should have survived after we dissected it and since it didn't that might be a safer thing because I know worms won't run around the classroom or school.
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