Saturday, April 16, 2011

Blog #10 Why is dissection an important part of a biology curriculum? Which animals and/or plants should be included in biological studies?

Blog #10 Why is dissection an important part of a biology curriculum? Which animals and/or plants should be included in biological studies?

Anatomization is another word for dissection; thus, dissection is the process of disassebling and observing something to determine its internal structure and it helps as an aid to discerning the functions and relationships of its components. Dissection is an important part of a biology curriculum because it is a sort of model for humans to use it on. For example, mice or rats are used for experiments to determine if something could work on the rats in order to work for humans.

A rat could be tested on something before used on humans. Such as a type of medicine or surgery to make sure it is used safety to be performed on humans. Even though dissection may look unpleasant and nasty, that is one way to experiment what does and doesn't work for humans.

In the short story- Flowers for Algeron, it is first tested on the rat Algernon to make sure if it works on a human. The surgery was to be make a person/animal smarter by doing the surgery on their brain. After experimenting it, it really worked on the rat; therefore, they started surgery on the person to make him smarter. A few weeks later, he was really really smart but then the rat had some problems. Later on, the rat died! To see what happened during the experiment and not continue with this type of surgery, the scientists had to cut the rat open to see why it died and didn't stay alive.

Some other animals such as frog are dissected at school in the course Biology to show students how it is inside a body like the tissue or the stomach, etc. Maybe some other animals can be use in dissection can be birds or even worms. However, I also don't think birds would work because their habitat is different from ours and humans don't have wings.

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