Saturday, December 18, 2010

Blog 12 Gregor Mendal and his pea plant experiments.

Look up Gregor Mendel and his pea plant experiments Why does P1 look all alike and F1 looks very different?
Mendal wanted the seed to produce not just by one parent so he joined two different kinds of plant to stop self-pollination.
P1 was all alike beacuse it was the original pair of plants, not making it any different. The generation of the same plants didn't change.
F1 was the opposite which were also called "first filial" having different traits. Mendal also discovered the principle of dominance stating that some alleles are dominant and others are reccessive meaning the F1 plant  has different forms of genes from its parents. The f1 plant produces two types of gametes, the allele for tallness or shortness.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Blog #11 Should we allow people to pick their babies' traits?

In the movie Gattaca, Vincent's mother got to pick Anton's traits mainly because Vincent had heart diseases and she didn't want Anton, the next son of hers to be the same.
I think people/parents should not be able to pick their own babies' traits.
First of all, it is because it is harder to discover whose parents or family the child was from if she/he was lost or is an orphan. It will also be a tragic because of the changes they made that didn't have to be adjustified.
The second reason is because there won't be any natural traits left if one's mother or father always wants a different trait to be replaced.
The next reason is that if parents picked the same trait over and over, won't everyone start looking the same? For example, if parents kept picking the trait to have a widow's peak, then everyone will have a widow's peak. However, if everyone picked every trait the same: the ears, eyes, nose etc, people won't look that different and unique anymore.
Everyone should be unique in their own way and if the kids find out they are, it might be a pretty fascinating information to them. For instance, if I tiny ears (no ear loops) and my friend had the same, my reaction will be like OMG! we both have cool tiny ears!
Another reason is because it won't be fair if the parents always choose the child's decision. It is not the traits that matter, but who the person they really are inside. Parents shouldn't always be making the decision for the children, but let it stay the way it is. Let stuff go the way it is suppose to, go with the flow.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

HOMEMADE SODA-recipe for something made with fermentation

Homemade Soda:

-2 1/4 cup of sugar
-the flavor of soda you want
-measuring cup/spoons
-one gallon jug; empty;clean
-an empty bottle such as a 2 liter bottle kind
-a cup; mixing bowl

1.Get a cup of warm water about 98  to 110 degrees
2.Dissolve 1/8 of teaspoon of yeast into the cup
3. Take your one gallon jug and add 2 1/4 sugar
4. Add 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon of the flavoring extract you have chose to the jug
5. Add the dissolved yeast to  the jug
6. Add enough water to fill the jug to a gallon, allowing space to shake the bottle. Then screw the lid on tightly
7. Shake the jug gently so the sugar dissolved into the water completely, make sure the sugar does dissolve completely, and it won't ruin the effect the yeast has on the soda
8. Pour the mixture using the funnel into the 2-liter bottles until they are filled
9. screw the lids on tightly and put it in a cool place
10. wait for four days to six days before drinking the homemade soda
11. while you wait for the soda to develop, you can squeeze the bottle gently to determine carbonation.
If it is too firm, it means there is too much carbonation so turn the cap only a little to let the excess carbonation out
12. Refrigerate the soda and ENJOY IT!

directions based on

You can benefit a lot from eating fermented foods. For example, it can reduce your cholesterol level in our blood especially if it is high by eating fermented foods. In addition, it can also stregthen your immune system and digestive system from eating garlic, chili peppers, etc. By eating good like garlic helps our bodies to prevent disease but mainly cancer. Fermented foods such as yogurt or olives increases your overall nutrition diet like the vitamin B nutrition needed for a day. Some fermented foods may not be your taste but some might not, but all of the fermented foods are healthy for you so eat all varieties of it!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Blog #9: How far should the governement go in isolating people with infectios diseases? Should the army be involved?

In my opinion, I think the government would go pretty far in isolating people with diseases that are really deadly like the disease in the movie, "Outbreak." First, it is because the government needs to care about the world's safety and my reasons are mainly based on the movie "Outbreak" we watched in Ms.Malonek's class. Just like the movie-"Outbreak,” if one person was infected with the disease that causes them to die very fast, then other people would get the deadly disease fast too. For example, it will be like a flu, spreading to one person then another as soon as you breathe the air. A deadly, infectious disease can spread really fast so people dying in the same neighborhood could be 60% out of 100%. Barely anyone can make it alive in a dangerous disease, like in "Outbreak", but they will really have to fight; however, your body might not be able to take the disease spreading around your body so you end up dying. In the movie, "Outbreak," the people who died from the sickness could fit the whole truck from one of those army trucks and the army had to burn their bodies from preventing the disease to spread to other people.
The army should be involved when there is a harmful disease. If a person catches the disease, yet only the government knows, it will be the citizens getting hurt; therefore, if the army doesn't do anything, then the disease will spread as fast a rumor does in high school. The results might turn out to be that barely anyone will live in this world and the world might end in the year 2012!! For instance, fifty people can get infected/die within one hour.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

procedures & protections for entering a hot zone biocontainment facility

When you enter a hot zone biocontainment facility, you have to care about safety first before anything else! That means you have to take off your clothes and wear one of those safety suits before going into the chamber. You should also wear gloves like about three pairs for safety, the more layers, the more safe! But before wearing the gloves, you have to remember that you have to clean your hands or clean yourself. Then, you would also have to check your space suit if there are any ripped holes to prevent any air getting in when you are inside the hot zone biocontainment facility. However, you also have to go into this place that cleans your suit from germs before going inside. When you go inside the hot zone biocontainment facility, be sure to have some kind of badge to represent that you belong to the hot zone biocontainment facility or else you cannot enter from a guard that is protecting the hot zone biocontainment facility place. Be sure to keep your space suit on, on all times because if you don't, deadly germs or viruses can get into your body with in a second. Remember to be extremely careful when you use needles because you can get infected when you poke yourself with it. If you do, you have to use iodine to wash it off and hope you won't get infected when there is a chance. In the hot zone biocontainment facility, there are many viruses and testing materials in there, so you would have to always look at stuff around you to watch if anything bad might happen. The deadly diseases are mostly locked with a padlock and tape around it to keep people in the hot zone biocontainment facility more safe. Therefore, there are protections to prevent any viruses from getting through. For example, there are some sticky stuff to cover up any viruses from getting through.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Blog #7:Test Message

Topic: Swine Flu

Cindy: heyyy

Swine Flu: heyyy wats upp!
                hey what is up

Cindy:OMG?! have u hurd of the swine flu disease?
          OH MY GOSH?! have you heard of the swine flu disease?

Swine Flu: Did u noe it was from the pigs dat spreaded it to the humans?
                Did you know it was from the pigs that spreaded it to the humans?

Cindy: Yeppp...Its been soooo popular these days!! ppl r contagious everywhur  n thurs no way to stop it!
          YES! It has been so popular these days!! people are contagious everywhere and there is no way to stop it!

Swine Flu: Then dont u think u should stay away from ME, OF COURSE hahaha
                 Then don't you think you should stay way from me, of course. hahaha

Cindy: dont u think dat u should stay away from urself???
          Don't you think that you should stay away from yourself?

Swine Flu: i dont have to cuz i dominate the swine flu disease n dont tell any1 to use the vaccine n it is also the humans fault for having to care about the pigs
                 I don't have to because  I dominate the swine flu disease and don't tell anyone to use the vaccine and it is also the humans' fault for having to care about the pigs.

Cindy: NO IT ISNT it is all ur fault! n i am gonna stay home for the rest of the yr until this disease goes away!! u noe I dont wanna die or even live w/ a sickness in my life!!
            No it isn't, it is all your fault and I am going to stay home for the rest of the year until this disease goes away! You know I don't want to die or even live with a sickness in my life!

Swine Flu: good luck w/ dat..
                Good luck with that.

Cindy: of course u have to wish me luck n i dont wanna c u next time so bye
          Of course you have to wish me luck and I don't want to see you next time so bye!

Swine Flu: i hope i will c u next time but bye for now~
                I hope I will see you next time but bye for now.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog #6 Monet's Cinquain Poem~

Bothersome, painful
Aching, dizziness, weakening
Tired, troublesome, dilemma, uncomfortable
Marburg Symptoms

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Fungi can help the human body in different ways . For example, mushrooms are a type of fungi which helps the human body to kill the bacterium that will cripple our ability to fight back to deadly diseases. In addition, mushrooms also help our immune system and it protects the body from bacteria. Mushrooms are in the food we eat, it acts like a topping like in pizza, cooked vegetables, salads, burgers and so much more.

About 80 percent of people in the UK may be harmed from some form of parasite. Parasite are hidden enemies that can have a serious effect on your health by harming your immune system and making harmful toxins like toxemia, anaemia and maybe your body's vital organs can be damage. In certain cases, parasites can cause toxaemia, anaemia, and even damage your body's vital organs. There are common symptoms like swelling, cannot go to sleep, aches, pains, headaches, mood swings, allergies, always wanting to eat, and etc. The disease can be contaminated from unusual water, dirty hands, raw meat, or even toilet seats.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Science News-How much does a Hurricane weigh??

Wondering how much does water does it have in a cloud?
Based on the video- 
It has tons of water, it is filled with it but it depends on the size of the cloud to see how much pounds does it weigh. For example, a cloud can be weighed up to 216,000 (2/3 of a whale), and maybe more!!In addition, you would see molecules pushing up the clouds but usually it is invisible for people to see.As long as there are molecules or the air pushing up, the water will stay up there because it doesn't have enough power to push the air down. That is mainly how a puffy white cloud is.
Therefore, one of the stormy dark clouds can weigh up to 105.8 million pounds, way more than the puffy white clouds and one whale, of course!!
Between all of that, don't you think hurricanes weigh more than that? Well, of course it does!! It can be started as 108 BILLION POUNDS!!! Inside all that hurricane weight, it is about 360,000 blue whales, more than how much whales it has in this planet!!
Hurricanes absorbs water from somewhere and drop it into some other planet.
Compare the weight of a hurricane to yourself!!! Isn't there a huge difference?

I think it is also important to know about how much hurricanes weigh and gain more knowledge about it because hurricanes can blow almost anything away. For instance, a truck, people, and etc. mainly because a hurricane is so powerful and you can compare it to a whale too. We never know who can actually make it through a hurricane because the Earth is not operated in humans' hands, but hopefully we all will survive and make the best out of life.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Non-Carbon Base is not possible

I am a carbon person, I think carbon is too special mainly because it can do stuff that silicon can't. An article states that other elements may form complex, covalently bonded structures, and nothing else has the rich molecular of the variety of carbon.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Metric System

I think they should use the metric system because the NASA group could try another way to succeed instead of failing unlike several years ago.
Another reason is because other parts of the world are using the metric system too so the US should try a new thing to see if it would work.


My goal this year is to get good grades like As and Bs from my own knowledge.
Another goal is that I have to make new friends and enjoy my freshman year in high school.
My last goal is to always get my homework done and don't procrastinate that much at home when doing my homework or studying.
I also have to join the tennis team maybe next year and a service club at the end of the year.