Natural selection can affect the distributions of phenotypes in any of three ways which are directional, stabilizing, and disruptive selection.
Directional selection helps those individual species that have extreme variations in traits within a population.
Stabilizing Selection are the average traits in a population.
Last of all, disruptive selection is similar to directional selection which helps the extremes traits in a population.
Stabilizing selection happens when individuals at one end of the curve have higher fitness than individuals in the middle or at the other end. For example, teenagers are the time of each life, most likely. Because teenagers are healthy, both emotional and physically for most of us, we can do so much that maybe adults and little kids cannot do.
Directional selection is a little different because it takes place when individuals near the center of a curve have higher fitness than individuals at either end. This can mean it's better to wear tennis shoes better than wearing flip flops when you are racing for the track team sport. Even though this example seems really obvious, it is a simple, yet good exampple for directional selection. This example demonstrates how wearing the best shoes improve on your running and also standing. Wearing tennis shoes instead of flip flop shoes can make your feet feel more comfortable inside and it won't get your foot injured as easily when you probaly stepped on a nail on the floor. Wearing flips flops may cause injuries like slipping easily or having an impact that may cause your feet to hurt if your sprint. It can also bring you to the first place trophy if you wear good shoes!